For the book and movie this week I read and watched the first installment of Twilight. Although it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated, it definitely wasn't an enjoyable experience. Vampires in this universe are not the terrors of the town, but people who actually realize that they are monsters. This dynamic is the reason behind where they live and the main conflict with the more monster like vampires. With this warped motive behind the main vampire Edward, Meyer also warps the myths surrounding these vampires. Garlic is thrown out the window and the whole stake to the heart is confirmed as nothing but legend — instead these vampires sparkle in the sunlight, have extreme human strength, and a unique super power. This isn't to say that the "good" vampires aren't immune to the lure of humans. The main character Bella falls in love with Edward which leads to forbidden love on a Romeo Juliet scale. Where a normal vampire would have chewed on her neck, Edward holds back because he knows that it's wrong. All in all I think the idea for the book is incredibly interesting, I just wish it was written better. Bella is hardly likable whether its the book or the movie, and even the interesting story world Meyer sets up can't carry the book.